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Get Involved

We Can’t Do This Alone.

group of volunteers in park

We Need Your Help!

There are many ways to help

  • Volunteer to remove ivy at a ‘Save Our Trees’ event
  • Spread the word by sharing our website, event announcements, and videos
  • Become a Tree Ambassador in your neighborhood
  • Use your photography, writing, painting or other artistic skills to create awareness
  • Deliver ‘Save Our Trees’ door hangers in communities where trees are ivy covered
  • Invite us to speak at your meetings, community associations, or neighborhood gatherings
  • Ask local nurseries to sell more native plants
  • Ask local nurseries to STOP selling non-native, invasive plants, including English ivy
  • Attend city council meetings and let them know this issue is important to you
  • Reach out to your city alderman and let them know as well
  • Identify “hot spot” locations where the ivy is rampant and threatening large trees
  • Anything else you can think of, just let us know! We only ask that you do SOMETHING!

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